Location: Wollongong/Corrimal, NSW
Date advertised: 20th January 2025
Job Type: Full time, Permanent
Closing Date: When Suitable Applicant is Found

St Michael’s Cathedral has a vision to see more disciples of Jesus, shining as lights, in our city. We’re an Anglican church – Reformed & Evangelical in conviction. Under God, we hope to impact this area powerfully: that more would come to follow Him & all would be blessed by our presence in both the heart of Wollongong’s CBD & in the northern suburbs around Corrimal.
We currently have 6 congregations over 2 sites. St Michael’s is currently looking for new member of our staff to oversee our Children’s ministry. The role is full-time, where remuneration is in accordance with Diocesan guidelines, based on experience and qualifications.
Focus of the role: To see children in our area respond to the gospel of Jesus by:
- Embracing the vision of St Michaels
- Working cohesively with the staff & church family
- Participate in staff prayer & planning meetings
- Involvement in one regular congregation, working across the whole parish
- Seeking & creating new opportunities to proclaim Christ to local children
- Oversight of ministry to children across the parish, including pastoral care of lay leaders
- Raising up, encouraging & equipping new leaders
- Leading & resourcing the SRE ministry in local primary schools
- Working with other local children’s ministers to grow the gospel’s impact.
Essential criteria: Specific details of the role’s execution could vary, according to the gifts & passions of the person in the role. Essentials are
- Conviction: Reformed, Evangelical Christian – with a deep, living faith in Jesus as personal Saviour & Lord
- Character: An exemplary & growing Christian character that imitates & models Christ
- Competency: gifted & passionate in disciple-making; teaching ability & experience leading children; capacity to lead teams, equip & recruit leadership
- Qualifications: Recognised theological training or willingness to undertake such.
Expressions of interest to Canon Mark Smith (mark.smith@wollongonganglican.org). Please include cover letter with relevant training and experience and details of referees.
Please be aware that this job ad was placed and authorised only for the sydneyanglicans.net website.