Location: Terrey Hills, NSW
Date advertised: 20th August 2024
Job Type: Part time
Closing Date: 20th September 2024
Our mission at St Paul’s is to make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ to the glory of God.
To complement our ministry team, we are seeking a male youth and young adults' minister (3-4 days per week) who will lead this mission amongst our young people.
Central to the role will be
- Leading our Sunday morning youth Bible study which seeks to disciple and train our youth
- Leading our Friday night youth ministry which seeks to encourage our youth in their evangelism
- Teaching upper primary Scripture at Terrey Hills Public School which is building connections between our local school and Friday afternoon / evening ministries
- Building connections with local high schools
- Gathering our senior high and young adults into a fellowship for encouragement and outreach
- Establishing and lead a new senior high and young adults Bible study group for their discipleship and training
- Leading our youth and young adults in serving the wider church congregation
The successful applicant
- Will have a gospel heart for youth and young adults with a desire to disciple and train believers as well evangelise young people in the local community
- Will be growing in sound doctrine and character
- Will have experience in youth and young adult ministry
- Will take initiative, organise and gather people together
- Will be able to lead a team of leaders of different ages and recruit new, young adult leaders
- Will be teachable and work well on a ministry team
The successful applicant may be a Ministry Apprentice who hasn’t yet been to Bible College, a Student Minister who is currently studying at Bible College or an Assistant Minister who has completed Bible College and is looking for a part-time role.
To discuss this position or obtain an information package that includes a job description, contact:
Church office on (02) 99443453 OR
Email minister@stpaulsterreyhills.org.au
Please be aware that this job ad was placed and authorised only for the sydneyanglicans.net website.