Well, we have made it to Fiji safely! As our relatives and friends waved us off into the airport, our excitement grew even stronger for the people of Fiji. After going through Fiji customs (which was painless in comparison to last year I was told, praise God!) the plane flight over was an interesting experience. The wonders of cabin pressure amazed many of us who (including myself) were first-time flyers, as a packet of Twisties inflated before our very eyes" .

Putting the plane flight aside we arrived in Nadi to the surroundings of the "tourist version' of Fiji. Which means holiday makers fly into Fiji and then get driven straight to holiday resorts and stay there" no culture and no real experience of the people of Fiji at all! It will take us a while to get out of that way of thinking, but we are getting there!

Something that I have enjoyed is the general friendliness of Fijians. In Australia you are lucky to get even a wave from a passer-by on the street, yet here everyone responds to us by waving and calling out "Bula!'  It's amazing the openness of the people here.

Heading to a local village this morning, the real Fiji came alive, its people and its tradition in the welcoming ceremony that we saw and in the walk around the village that took place afterwards. The chiefs of the village took us around, showing us the local church, homes and then a river where we all enjoyed a good cool off!

All of us are only a day into our mission; and although our itinerary still says "orientation' there are still plenty of opportunities to talk about Jesus and where he fits in Fiji " and in Australia too! 

This blog written by Matt Robson. Check out the other Bula Blogs from this year’s Year 13 Fiji mission here.

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