I enjoyed Day One of Synod but it stirred me up significantly.

One of the evangelical mantras that has been drummed into me time and time again is the priority of the local church. I agree with it, I believe in it and we will have many opportunities to hear the point argued this Synod.

But here's the problem. The priority of the local church too often comes at the complete expense of giving any priority to the institutional church. Clergy and lay people alike give all their energy to what is happening in the local church and don't give two hoots about what is happening in the institutional church.

I see this being played out in the lack of involvement in Synodical process by younger clergy. I see this being played out in the avoidance of combat that the Archbishop spoke about yesterday. I see this being played out in the pragmatic drift that Andrew Heard spoke about yesterday at the ACL dinner. I see this being played out in job applications from College graduates who speak about "my ministry" and "my future appointments".

Sydney Anglicanism is not just a good boat to fish from. It is a boat that needs attention, protection, vision and defense. If we don't do this work or if we appoint the wrong Captain, we'll all be kippered!

Perhaps I'm wrong. But I get involved in Synod and the institutional church because I want my children and their children to have thoroughly evangelical clergy leading thoroughly evangelical local churches. Humanity will always drift to doing everything "my way". The Church is no different. Liberalism waits in the heart of every man looking for an opportunity to transform or consume what belongs to Jesus.

That we should prioritise the local church is true. That we should also prioritise the institutional church is necessary.

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