Penny Reeve worked for TEAR in Nepal for 5 years with her husband. She has now written two children's books - ‘The Back Leg of a Goat’ and ‘Water or Goo’. 

They are aimed at children to show that there are things they can do in their Christian lives to help others.

On the back cover of the books the heroine is described as “a regular girl, a peace activist, environmental campaigner and follower of Jesus”.

‘The Back Leg of a Goat’

In this first novella Tania has looked in the charity gift catalogue and decided to buy a goat for people in India. But her piggy bank only has $12.65 which is about enough to buy the back leg of a goat. Not good.

How will she raise more money? With the help of her brother, his friend and sister, and Tania’s friend they decide to run a fashion parade showing costumes made out of junk. After some opposition from a crotchety neighbour across the road - and a rainy day - the fashion parade is still a success. Enough money to buy four goats!

‘Water or Goo’

There was to be a ‘Water for the World” march. Tania wanted to be part of it. But her parents were adamant that Tania only get involved for the right reasons. Was it for her own satisfaction or to raise awareness about clean water in other countries?

This story was not about raising money but about raising awareness of the water problem. After people had been given a drink of clean water they were asked to sign a petition if they were concerned about poverty and water issues.

The stall made the TV news that night.

These books are aimed at children aged 7 to 11. They would make a lovely Christmas present.

TEAR is accessible at [url=][/url] Children's activities promoted by TEAR are accessible at [url=][/url]

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