An entire Diocese of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan is operating from Northern Uganda after being forced to flee from civil unrest.
An entire Diocese of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan is operating from Northern Uganda after being forced to flee from civil unrest.
The first person of a Chinese background to be ordained a presbyter in the Illawarra region, Mr Hung-En “Tallis” Tien, says he hopes this show of support by the Diocese will help his local ministry to Chinese-background people.
For Christians, the words of Jesus are authoritative, trustworthy and good.
The Coalition for Marriage, the leading voice for the plebiscite NO campaign has launched its official campaign website.
What it is and how to stop it.
Anglican EdComm, the Education Commission of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney has announced the appointment of Stephen Kinsella as its next Executive Director.
Mr Eternity could never have imagined he would have crowds of Sydney-siders remembering him 50 years after his death, but that's what happened at St Andrew's Cathedral on Sunday.
On the surface, Dunkirk doesn’t look that different from dozens of other war films.
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