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Media enquiries
Anglican Media Sydney
The media and communications arm of the Diocese of Sydney, and publisher of Southern Cross.
Phone: 02 8860 8860
If you are a member of the media, please email the Media Adviser
Organisation enquiries
Sydney Diocesan Services
Providing parish, investment, legal, accounting, and technology services to the Diocese.
Property enquiries
Sydney Anglican Property
Providing property services to the Diocese.
Archbishop and Clergy enquiries
Office of the Archbishop
Archbishop, Bishop and Senior Clergy offices
Phone: 02 9265 1555
Abuse Report Line
Phone: 1800 774 945
School and Education enquiries
For enquiries about individual schools - see our schools and colleges page
For schools under the banner of the Anglican Schools Corporation - see the Anglican Schools Corporation website.
The Anglican Diocese of Sydney is an approved provider of Special Religious Education (SRE) with the NSW Department of Education. Anglican Youthworks’ SRE Office manages Anglican Christian SRE on behalf of the Diocese in partnership with local Anglican churches.
email the SRE office
Phone: 02 8268 3355
Information about the Diocese’s approved Anglican Christian SRE curriculum is available at