Personal goals for the coming year - Bishop Reg Piper
Beginning the new year by setting personal goals is always worthwhile. This is particularly so for people who value Christianity. By definition Christians seek to please God. May I suggest some goals for every member of the community?
Live the Sensible Life.
God, by birth and environment, has created all of us wonderfully different. To be the best servant of God and others and to enjoy life we ought to seek the best possible physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health. To achieve this we must keep some fundamental rules. Right eating, sufficient rest, profitable recreation, relaxed time with family and friends and disciplined Bible reading and prayers are the foundation for every healthy life.
God, in his wisdom, has also placed us in our context to our greatest advantage. It is good therefore to seek a greater understanding of God and the way he rules the world and a greater understanding of humankind and the way he operates in God’s world.
To work at and pray for good health and knowledge of our context are obvious and sensible goals.
Live the Influential Life.
God has disclosed his ultimate goal for the universe. He will unite all things under the Lord Jesus. Unity under Christ is the vision, therefore toward which we all should work. God will achieve his vision through truth and love so we also are to live the mission lifestyle of truth and love.
Because Christians have a defined vision and mission lifestyle we will inevitably find themselves exerting influence. We will also find ourselves clashing with other philosophies of life. We ought therefore earnestly to pray for wisdom, that true reverence of God and intolerance of evil, for willfulness to do what is right, that attitude which sees mountains are for climbing and hurdles for jumping and for energy to persevere in doing good.
Since living with purpose can too easily become harsh it is important for us to pray for humility. We must never be arrogant. We must serve God and people with patience. In this unending service we should pray for boldness that issues in an unembarrassed and glad identification with Christ, for joy that delights to do God's will, and for grace which is generous hearted, like God, towards others.
To work at and pray for such qualities is necessary if we wish to be an influence for good.
Live the Empowered Life.
All who believe in Jesus Christ have been given the Spirit of God. This Spirit is not a Spirit of timidity but a Spirit of power, love and self-control. Since we are so empowered by God we are to exercise faith and live according to the Spirit in doing what is right despite our natural tendency to fear, hatred and ill discipline.
It is this promise of the Spirit that gives us the heart to keep working and praying for God’s purpose to be fulfilled—so let the new year come on.
Reg Piper
Bishop of Wollongong