by Sarita England

Redfern is an area better know for its community tension than its sense of community. But a new theatre company for young people with links to the local Anglican church is hoping to redress this balance.
St Saviour’s, Redfern is one of the founders of a Community Centre known as ‘The Factory’, which has now formed a theatre company and gathered 17 local children to perform a play called ‘Beyond The Fence’. In an ambitious plan the theatre company hopes to take the play to the Asia-Pacific Festival of Children’s Theatre in Toyama, Japan in August.
The play looks at the issue of neighbours, and how individuals can build relationships beyond their own fence. The Factory, which receives funding from the Archbishop’s Community Care and Development Program (CCDP) already provides family support and an out of school care service.
The Rev John McIntyre, Rector of St Saviour’s said the programs run by The Factory were a witness to the call of Jesus to serve him by serving those considered least by others. “South Sydney Parish appreciates the ongoing support of CCDP towards the centre. I would encourage all those who give to CCDP to see what they donate as an expression of the fellowship they share with our church in Redfern in our ministry to one of the poorest urban communities in Australia,” Mr McIntyre said.
Coordinator of The Factory, Patrick Russell, said he trusts the play will make a positive contribution to the area. “Usually Redfern and Waterloo are seen as areas of bad news because of their high incidence of unemployment, substance abuse, mental and physical violence and social isolation,” he said. To raise funds the theatre company is putting on performances on June 28 at 5pm at the Alexandria Park Community School and July 23 at 7pm at PACT Theatre, Erskineville. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for concessions. Details: 9698 9569.