If physical space is at a premium…

If your bookshelves constitute a health hazards…

If you truly believe that the Internet can be environmentally-friendly to our forests…


Save space in cyberspace!

There is much on the Internet in terms of Bible resources that could save your sagging shelves from toppling over. Here's a few sites to check out:

1. Bible Online
As mentioned in one of my previous articles, far and away the easiest and best Bible on the Internet is at the Biblegateway.com. Most major English translations and versions, as well as Bibles in other languages. Try it, you'll like it!

2. Bible Commentaries
Take these commentaries for a spin. Inter-Varsity Press (IVP) commentaries available free online! Currently it’s limited to only some of the New Testament (no Old Testament). However there is also Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible.

3. Bible Dictionaries
Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words has helpful definitions, including some transliterated Greek notes. Ye olde Bible dictionaries are also available at Bible Gateway with Easton's, Hitchcock's, and Smith's dictionaries available.

4. Bible Studies/Sermons
Monergism.com is definitely worth a look. Well known writer and preacher John Piper has his sermons online at DesiringGod.org, and locally The Perspectiveweb site is excellent.

5. Other Bible resources
The Grace Not Works crew has some cool content (Jens, keep up the good work!), including access to a stack of back issues to this hip online Christian magazine.

Christianity Today has a website so big and encyclopedic, that I found it challenging to use, but it's worth checking out just for its breadth and scope. It's also a good one for keeping your finger on the pulse of the wider Christian world.

For a simple gospel presentation that you can refer your non-Christian friends to anywhere on the planet check out 2 Ways To Live. Its mother website, Matthias Media has excerpts from the popular magazine The Briefing as well as Internet-only extras with great content (Psstt! Have a look at their archive but don't tell anyone…).

P.S. Free Plug: Sydneyanglicans.net has a new multi-site search tool on the Indepth page that lets you search 30 evangelical websites using basic search. (Is there a relevancy indicator or ranking system with this?) Worth a shot!

Word up, BRO!

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