St John's, Ashfield is preparing to light up its suburb for its 165th birthday bash with plans to launch a new era in the life of the parish.

In the first week of September St John's is throwing its doors open to its multi-ethnic community for its anniversary, entitled "Celebration 165'.

Parishioners will host a dinner (September 2), a fair (September 3) as well as lifestyle seminars (September 6, 7 and 8), where visitors can discuss everything from parenting, sport and cooking to Dan Brown's bestseller The Da Vinci Code.

A festival of quilts and flowers will run over five days, with Christian teaching portrayed through themed displays.

To top it all off, a new "contemporary blended' service will begin on Sunday September 4.

The service will retain traditional Anglican liturgy and include modern music.

New Rector of St John's, the Rev Andrew Katay, says the aim of the celebrations and new service is to tell Ashfield residents that the church is "alive and well' and looking to engage them.

Mr Katay and his congregation are handing out leaflets advertising the events in Ashfield mall and engaging shopkeepers in conversation.

"We really want to showcase the church to the community," Mr Katay says.

He says statistics show Ashfield is home to 4000 nominal Anglicans, while 90 per cent of residents are unchurched.

The official opening is on September 2, with an organ recital by former Director of Music for St Andrew's Cathedral, Michael Deasey, who is now at All Saints Cathedral, Bathurst.

Tickets are $35 and bookings can be made by phoning Merina on 9797 1642.

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