Event: Springwood Community Carols

Church: Springwood Anglican Church with Springwood Presbyterian, Springwood Baptist, Springwood Uniting and Fusion Blue Mountains.

When: Saturday 16 December, 8pm. Preceded by a free festival in car park at 6pm run by Fusion.

The activities: Carols singing led by church musicians and a performance from vocalist Merise Webster. Ellison Road Public School choir performed. "Christmas Affair' segments with reporters in the crowd interviewing people involved in nativity story. Evangelistic Christmas themed talk.

Where: Springwood Anglican Ministry Centre "The Factory'. Was to be on Springwood Primary oval but was relocated due to wet weather. 

Attendance: 500 in total. The crowds were down from 2000 in attendance in previous years. However the church was full.

Elements that worked best

"There were lots of mums and dads there because of the school choir performance. It's a very unpretentious community based event with good, contemporary music and carols," says Carols organising committee member Judy Tweedale.

What could be improved next year?

"Because of the rain it went indoors. Being in the church building context, that would have turned some people off who aren't familiar with going to church," Mrs Tweeddale says.

"We'll have to pray more fervently for a clear night next year so we can get back out side again."