A new report on the growing number of children in care has highlighted the need for early intervention strategies for families, says Anglicare Sydney.
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, more children in NSW are on care and protection orders than any other state in Australia.
The number of children under a care and protection order in NSW increased by almost 50 per cent since 1997.

The number of children in care Australia-wide has risen 70 per cent over the past 10 years due to an escalation in child abuse and neglect being reported.
Children are entering into care for more complex reasons, associated with parental substance abuse, mental health and family violence issues, the report said.

Anglicare CEO Peter Kell welcomed new Government initiatives to keep families healthy but said people too often assume "quick fix' solutions will work.
“All of us involved in supporting families facing strain understand how tough it is for them and the amount of time and support actually needed to strengthen those relationships," Mr Kell says.
“Early intervention work is about preventing a break down of family relationships. We believe that a positive investment in families so that they can build on their existing strengths and grow together is a good outcome.”
Since the early 1980s Anglicare has provided early intervention support that equip young mothers with parenting skills through its Carramar program.
The charity's more recent initiative has been a "family wellness' program that promotes positive ways that children and parents can live and work together.
For information about the programs contact Anglicare on (02)9895 8000 or visit [url=http://www.anglicare.org.au]http://www.anglicare.org.au[/url].

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