Those who go without all year will have food on the table and gifts this Christmas thanks to more than 300 churches, schools, businesses and members of parliament who spent the last month collecting donations for Toys "n' Tucker.

Anglicare vans drove across Sydney and the Illawarra picking up donations and dozens of individuals volunteered countless of hours to sort and pack them into hampers to be distributed to those needing help from ANGLICARE in 2009.

For decades Anglicare has been providing financial and food assistance to socially excluded families and individuals struggling to live sustainably on a low income through its Emergency Relief program. Last year the program provided assistance to an estimated 20,000 people in Sydney and Wollongong.

This year Anglicare was able to individually pack and deliver an estimated 2,500 Christmas food hampers and more than 3,500 gifts for children. 

According to Phil Coller, Anglicare’s Assistant Director of Community Care, Toys "n' Tucker is a way the community can encourage those who have needed help from Emergency Relief and Family Support services this year.

"The many individuals and families we see often feel excluded from their communities due to a complex mix of factors including unemployment and poor housing and other barriers such as illness or disability. 

"Toys "n' Tucker provides food for celebration and to tide households over the holiday period: as well as gifts for children whose parents can't afford to treat their children.

"It has been heartening to see the great support from the community who are helping to support disadvantaged families during this time and ease the burden of poverty."