"We don't feel as if I know enough to lead a Bible Study Group' they said. Rev Hopeful's heart sank as he realized his only spare night during the week was lost " he would have to lead the Bible Study Group. He wondered why it was that the enthusiastic folk in his congregations would not step up and help when it was obvious that they thought ministry was important?

Unfortunately, this is a way to familiar story. There are opportunities arising all over the place but we struggle to find the people to support the existing ministries we have running. How are we to multiply congregations and multiply people?

One way " get our ministers to work harder and longer! The problem is that many (if not all) ministers are already working long and hard and there is a limit to how much more can be added to the load.
A better way " train our willing laity in ministry so that more are equipped, more are excited and more are involved in doing ministry.

Currently in Sydney there are just under 2000 students enrolled in the Moore College Correspondence Course " a series of subjects that you can do on your own or in groups that go towards a "Preliminary Theological Certificate' (PTC - after 9 subjects) or a Certificate in Theology (TH.C " after 18 subjects).

One of the amazing statistics we know is that over 50 per cent of the total number of students currently studying full-time at Moore have completed two or more subjects. It seems to me that if we wanted to multiply people to multiply ministries then a good place to start would be with a course that teaches the bible in a clear and helpful way and has a track record of encouraging people further in ministry.

Here is my concern " last term close to 550 people enrolled in the first subject Introduction to the Bible, only 240 people went on to do the follow up subjects. It is not that this course is too hard. I teach it in India to folk who have been Christian for less than six months and can not even speak English. They handle it. I suspect one probable reason is that people enjoy learning in groups and it is quite easy for a minister (or church) to run the first subject as a group, but things get more complicated as you add more subjects.  Not that the courses themselves are difficult, but that you create a problem with new people wanting to start the journey whilst you have others eager to move on along the journey.

That leaves churches with a dilemma " most can only run one course at a time and so the momentum is lost.

Here is a suggestion. Work with other churches in your deanery and work out a coordinated approach to the subjects offered. If each church ran one subject, and you ensure that one of them is the first subject, then you always have a local place to send people to start the journey.

If too difficult, then try this"

Encourage people to enroll in the new CITY - School of Ministry. St Andrew's Cathedral is starting this school to equip people from all around Sydney in their understanding and ability to read and handle the bible. The aim (probably the same aim you have if you already run the courses) is to help people to grow in faith, grow in their ability to teach and evangelize others and grow in their skills to be faithful and effective witnesses of the gospel.

It is open to anyone who wants to attend and is especially convenient for city workers who can finish work, grab a bite to eat, come to the Cathedral Upper Chapter House from 7.30 to 9pm on Thursdays and then return home taking advantage of the extra public transport due to late night shopping.

The CITY " School of Ministry will work through a selection of subjects most from Moore College whilst some will be aimed at particular leadership or skill development, such as Leading Better Bible Studies or personal evangelism courses.

The benefits are that students will be able to take what they learn and practice it back in the congregations they belong to, it will be providing training for upcoming leaders, and it will ensure that you will have people ready and confident to lead bible study groups.

If interested, then call the Cathedral Office on 9265 1661 or enrol by going to the Cathedral web site and downloading an enrolment form.

"The Harvest of plentiful but the workers are few' Matt 9:37

Ken D Noakes
Assistant Minister " St Andrew's Cathedral (Ministry Training and Development)

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