Archbishop Peter Jensen’s weekly online series on The Essential Jesus (the gospel of Luke). In each study the Archbishop will lead us through the book we intend on giving away to as many people as possible.


Read Luke chapter 11, verses 1-28.

Jesus did not teach a technique for prayer - he taught prayer. He showed us who to pray to and what to pray for. His model prayer is pithy, petitionary, powerful. God hears this prayer. There is a forward note to it - the answers are experienced now, but they will be fully experienced in the future, when the kingdom fully comes. Jesus urges us to ask, seek and knock. Trust the good God who is not stingy or hard-hearted. Especially he gives us his Spirit, his presence in our lives. By contrast, evil spirits are known to inhabit the human personality. Jesus' power over evil spirits showed who he was and that God's kingdom advanced through him. Satan was strong - Christ is stronger. But the key experience is this - not the expulsion of demons, but recognising who Jesus is and following him in obedience to the word of God.

1 What was the explanation of Jesus adversaries for his power over evil spirits? Who did they think he was? How does Jesus answer show about the connection between who he is and does and the kingdom of God?

2 What is the problem with 'the empty house?' What spiritual error is being committed here?

3 Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and marked by their obedience to God. Can evil spirits dominate a Christian?

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Prepare for the next study by reading the rest of Luke chapter 11.

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