Steve "Fish' Jones says his bike may have given him his biggest bruises but, as a member of the God’s Squad, it has also brought his best opportunities to share lasting peace.

Fish has survived two head-on collisions without breaking a bone.

He says he can only conclude his creator is happy with the work he is doing.

"Obviously God doesn't want me up there just yet," he laughs.

The God’s Squad motorcycle club to which Fish belongs began taking the gospel to the city's toughest characters in 1969.

Since then its witness has led to the establishment of brotherhoods across Australia and as far afield as England and Norway.

The latest Sydney chapter will be celebrating ten years of witnessing to people on the city's fringe this weekend.

Fish, a father of seven, climbed aboard his Harley Davidson 96 1200 Sports de Sport close to five years ago after an extended break because he saw the ministry potential.

A Sydney Anglican from St Clement's, Condell Park, he says people in pain are often more open to the Gospel.

"It's amazing what ministry comes out of trauma," he says. "And God uses those moments for his glory.

Visiting a friend in hospital, Fish met up with Craig, a fellow motorcyclist who "did some damage' in a recent accident on the Putty Road.

Craig will be laid up in hospital for weeks to come, but thanks to the God Squad he has visitors who care for him and his family.

"I had the pleasure of giving him a New Testament and he really appreciated it," Fish says.

"Probably sick of reading all of those bike magazines," he adds with a grin.

Fish and other members of the God’s Squad will be trading a decade of stories at the West Ryde Hotel at 7.00 PM this Saturday.

All friends of the God's Squad CMC are welcome, especially former members.

People interested in contacting the squad can email the club secretary or ring 0401 701420 / 0422 863822.

Check out Viewfinder for more pictures of Fish and his sweet ride"