Seeing a group of Moore College students kicking, punching and shouting at each other has never been more fun.

Charles Knox, who runs a one-hour class on self-defence, is very passionate about sharing his fighting skills with his fellow students.

Every Tuesday afternoon he enthusiastically spurs on his small group of dedicated Moore College students in "assessing danger, neutralising threats, kicking, punching and talking someone down".

Charles who is married to Sophie and has two kids, Miriam and Logan, says he's quite happy if people know him as "that ex-army, blind guy who teaches people how to punch".

Charles teaches some quite intense self-defence skills, based on a broad range of scenarios.

"What I'm trying to do is provide options for those serious situations when we need to act, from talking to a bloke to breaking his legs," he says.

"There's this idea that Christians shouldn't defend themselves, which I don't think is right," Charles says. "It can be quite disempowering.”

Charles who runs professional self-defence classes outside college, spent seven years in the army.

"I always intended doing some study at Moore and when my eyes went, I found out I could study a one-year certificate as part of my medical discharge".

Charles, who is completing the Diploma of Bible and Missions course, says another reason for offering this free class is that "we live in a fallen world”.

“Many students also live in and around college in a suburb that let's face it, can be a bit dicey," he says.

"But more importantly, as Christians we are called to "love our neighbour'. 

“If there's trouble and we walk on past like everyone else, how is that loving? We can always do something, even if it is just to be a speed hump in the way, before help arrives.”

"I think it's not that people aren't willing to do anything in that situation, but that they don't know what to do and that's what I'm trying to teach.”

"Let me tell you it's a ridiculous situation for me to turn up waving my white cane trying to stop a fight " better that some of my fellow students are trained.”

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