A criminal gang is being blamed for a spate of violent robberies that have left Sydney parishes out of pocket and looking for answers.

Parishes have had sound and visual equipment stolen, locks smashed and safes ripped from walls.

Most affected are parishes in the South, North and Western regions.

Archdeacon of Western Sydney Ken Allen says at least seven parishes were robbed in the West recently while the Bishop of South Sydney Robert Forsyth says a sophisticated operation is targeting churches across his entire region.

"This has the marks of a gang," says Bishop Forsyth.

"It seems to be so deliberate and so focused. This isn't just kids looking for a bit of money."

In the Northern Region, Archdeacon Terry Dein says at least four parishes have been robbed and churches need to step up their security.

"Security is a huge problem in parishes. Churches are pretty dark places. If you look hard enough you'll find a window unlocked," he says.

The Diocesan Secretariat is processing 17 insurance claims.

St Andrew's, Lane Cove has been burgled three times in four weeks with a safe, data projector and sound equipment stolen.

Rector Roger Kay says the church is $5,500 out of pocket.

"It's a lot of money in a not very big church. It hurts. Everyone feels violated."

Senior Constable Peter Taylor from Chatswood Police says money, electrical equipment and ceremonial items were the most common items stolen.

Police are advising churches to explore security options such as deadlocks, closed circuit TV cameras and even security guards.

Drawn from Southern Cross September - read more stories…

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