Former Muslim asylum seeker Amir Mesrinejad will be speaking to Christian journalists at an Islam seminar this weekend about his journey from Mohammed to Jesus.

After fleeing government authorities in Iran, Amir was detained in Sydney's Villawood Detention Centre for five years. 

He converted to Christianity while translating for a Bible study group and was released in 2005 after being granted permanent Australian residency.

"In detention I had nothing to do so I started studying the Bible,” Amir says.

“I started with [the] Old Testament.  It was a book of history for me at first, but by the time I read the first five books I realised Islamic laws are the same as [the ones that] exist in the Old Testament."

But his perspective altered when he reached the New Testament.

"Then I read the gospels and all the questions I had all my life about how to communicate with my God and the way to holiness were answered."

The seminar, organised by Christians in the Media on Saturday March 25 will be devoted to equipping Christians working in the media to respond to the challenge of Islam.

"The rise of Islam in public consciousness in the west has meant that the issues of religion and God are much more on the agenda in the workplace than they were before, says Christians in the Media Director and seminar organiser Dominic Steele. 

“I hope this seminar will help people to think about how they can speak the truth in love."

Opportunity not to be missed, says former journalist
Former journalist Sam Leary, who heard Amir share his story at the Australian Institute of Ministry conference in February, is looking forward to getting together with industry peers for what she describes as an opportunity not to be missed.

"While Islam has been in the news quite a lot lately, the issue really didn't strike me on a personal level until I heard about Amir's conversion,” she says.

“I then realised how many practicing Muslims there really are in Australia and how important it is for me to understand where they're coming from and to be better able to share the love of the Lord Jesus."

Seminar presenter Amir Mesrinejad will be joined by Christian expert on Islam Samuel Green who will be addressing the history of Islam, beliefs and practices of Muslims and reading the Qur'an in context.

Dominic Steele will be outlining the significant differences between Jesus and Mohammed as well as charting a way forward on how to handle workplace discussion on the issue.

Click here to download a brochure for more information visit.

People wishing to attend the seminar must register with the Christians in the Media office on 02 9660 2444 or by emailing

Story: Keely Edwards

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