With more and more parts of people’s personal lives moving on-line, David Horne is set to become the Anglican Church's first internet evangelist.

Mr Horne, a graduate of Moore Theological College, will take up the new appointment with Anglican Media Sydney from January 1.

"The internet is the one medium that can and should be used for evangelism," he says.

Mr Horne explains that the internet has great advantages over traditional strategies for mass evangelism such as rallies and television.

"It allows you to broadcast the gospel and then easily enter into follow-up interaction," he says. "It also allows you to make good personal contact with people that are geographically displaced from you without any risk."

Mr Horne will spend two days a week enhancing the effective use of the Sydney Anglican evangelistic site Christianity.net.au

Amongst his plans is to establish a regular, interactive Bible Study.

"The aim is to make our web evangelism more interactive," he says.

"I want to develop a model for doing this."

Mr Horne says he is not aware of any other churches doing anything similar.

"I might be wrong but have not seen anyone else doing this effectively."

After spending a number of years in pastoral ministry in Sydney's west, Mr Horne left parish work to pursue internet ministry establishing his own web application development business.

"Although it has taken some time to come to fruition, I am terribly excited by this initiative," he says.

"It's been over a decade since we started thinking and praying about internet ministry. We have a real sense that God is behind this initiative."

"I am very excited to see how the internet can bring glory to Him."

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