Being the ‘owner-operator’ of an 18 and a 19 year old who are keen to pursue christian ministry, the launch of a ‘Global Gap Year’ (GGY) from Church Army gets the blood pumping!

CEO of Church Army Army Australia, Tim Scheuer, believes the GGY, if nothing else, will “equip young people to be effective missionaries in their local context”.

His hope is that having completed the program, participants will be “ruined for the ordinary”.

So here’s what it looks like.

1. The GGY begins February ‘06 and will combine 14 weeks residential ‘community’ (at the Church Army training centre, Lawson) with a 7 month internship either within Australia or at a Church Army ‘Base of Evangelism’ in Africa, UK, Canada or the United States.

2. Students who complete the program will receive an accredited Certificate IV in Ministry.

3. The training component of the GGY is competancy based and will cover 4 areas: Theology of Mission; Relational Skills, Personal Spirituality, and Evangelism.

4. The program (excluding overseas travel) is $5, 500 for the year. Students will be eligible for youth allowances. Scholarships are available.

5. The GGY program is for people completing year 12, TAFE or university and for those who simply want to take a year out from tertiary study.

Tim Scheuer is deeply optimistic when it comes to training of this nature.

“I am excited that this is a global initiative. We will be receiving GGY students from from other countries and sending our Aussie kids to some very stretching situations. There are amazing opportunities in Uganda and Kenya, for example, but they are not for the faint-hearted.”

In short, Scheuer wants to raise up a “generation of young men and women who will be able to shake the world for Jesus”.

He is looking for, “committed young christians who really do want to make their lives count for Christ.”.

Call 0417 678 367 or email Tim Scheuer for more info and a brochure.

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