Christian musician Colin Buchanan has touched the hearts of Australians with his tribute song for freed miners Brant Webb and Todd Russell and their fallen mate Larry Knight.

The Sydney-based Christian songwriter and country music star wrote and recorded the song "Beaconsfield' on May 9, the day the miners were freed from the Tasmanian goldmine after two weeks trapped almost one kilometre underground:

"And who'll forget that moment/When the lads we feared were dead
Stepped out onto the surface/Todd Russell and Brant Webb"
Every miner's face revealed/They are the gold of Beaconsfield'.

The musical tribute to their survival was broadcast on ABC radio and TV.

In a day filled with extraordinary highs and lows, the funeral for Larry Knight was held the same afternoon at St John's Anglican Church, Launceston.

"[The song] "Beaconsfield' is a simple country/folk tune about a remarkable real event affecting normal people," Colin says on his website.

Lyrics such as "Tears of joy, they're safe and strong/A miracle from God' allude to the songwriter’s strong faith.

He says "in the spirit of the folk tradition', his publisher, Universal Music, has allowed the recording to be available for free download "for anyone who wants it'.

He tells the story of how "at the urging of [ABC radio presenter] Richard Glover' he wrote the song about the rescue that had the nation transfixed.

"I think it is one of those “in the moment” songs that sort of popped out," Colin says.

"It’s my attempt to tell the story in an uncomplicated, unsentimental sort of way and build a simple musical monument to a remarkable piece of Australian history.

"The late Slim Dusty and Stan Coster wrote and sang real songs about and for real Australians, and I had them in mind as I wrote "Beaconsfield'.

The singer/songwriter is humble about how well the song has been received.

"There are no grand plans - I hope this song somehow benefits the community of Beaconsfield. Certainly it seems the song is resonating around Australia… I love how songs do that for us."

Listen to a portion of the song here: [url=][/url]

Words and Music by Colin Buchanan © 2006 Universal Music (Aust.) (p) Wanaaring Road Music. Written and recorded live to Colin’s laptop on Tuesday, 9th May 2006, the day Todd Russell and Brant Webb were freed and walked from the Beaconsfield Gold Mine after 2 weeks trapped in a rock fall 1 km below ground. Later that day their comrade, Larry Knight, was laid to rest.


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