Are you getting busier in ministry?

Are you finding it harder and harder to keep in touch with your congregation?

Would you like to stay connected to your flock at 136 characters or less?

Welcome to the world of SMS!

Short Message Service (SMS), also known as text messaging, on mobile phones is increasing in usage around the world at astounding rates.

Forecasts are that 5 billion SMS's will be sent in Australia this year (source: Budde Comm).

In the business world alone enterprises will send at least 1.4 billion text messages during 2005 - that is double the 750 million business SMS sent in 2004 (source: The Business Network).

How can you use this exploding technology to evangelise, nurture and train God's people?

Here are some ideas on how to get started.

1. You need a mobile phone

If you don't yet have one, there are some great (and cheap!) plans out there, and most include a phone as part of the deal. Check out your local mobile phone dealer.

Nowadays, they also tend to offer to bundle in some free or cheap SMS's as part of the package. This is a good option, if you plan to use SMS often.

2. Register for Web SMS

There are websites that allow you to type your SMS's (much quicker than using the buttons on your phone) and will then send your SMS via the Internet to the destination phone.

There used to be a lot of free SMS websites, but they are becoming fewer. Look out for them.

Close-to-FREE SMS websites:
[url=][/url] (you are sent advertisements via email and are paid in SMS credits when you click through)
[url=][/url] (you are a emailed a fortnightly quiz which is worth 5 SMS credits if you get most of them right)
[url=][/url] (a limited number of free SMS's available, but you have to be quick and your address list is limited to 10 people)

3. Work out what you want to say in 136 characters or less
Now, what message do you want to send? You may want to send a brief thank-you, an encouraging note, a reminder, or announcement. The choice is really up to you. Here's a few sample SMS's I've used to keep in touch with my congregation.
Sample SMS's


"We missed you last week at

. Hope you can join us again this Sunday at

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