Doug and Jill DeNiro* are choosing to go to the mission fields of South East Asia at a time when most couples would begin enjoying their retirement years.

"I can't find the word retirement anywhere in the Bible," says the Rev Doug DeNiro who will conclude his Sydney Anglican parish ministry in January 2007 after serving as rector there for 11 years.

Doug and Jill will leave behind their five adult children as they commence work with expatriates in Asia from January 2008.

"It's an interesting form of retirement," admits the 60-year-old. "But Jill and I have always had an interest in mission since first becoming Christians in 1987."

"Going into ministry was enough of a change for our family 18 years ago, but now that most of the kids have finished school we felt it was the right time to answer that call to overseas mission."

"We felt a need for people to take the gospel to countries where it is not as widely known or available as it is here," Mr DeNiro says.

"Jill and I are at a point in our lives where we are flexible enough to do this kind of ministry."

"Jill has had a real attraction toward that part of the world and she travelled there years ago. I was happy to go anywhere."

"We are in process of leaving and grieving so it will be hard to cope with our last five weeks here."

*Name has been changed for security purposes.

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