By Stuart Robinson

Matt Dalziel is a home grown evangelist. He was raised in the faith of Christ at South Turramurra Anglican (St Philip's) and was confirmed, a convinced believer, at age 15.

Matt is also something of an entrepreneur. He runs Key Music Australia, conducting and training bands and orchestras in a number of Sydney primary schools. Indeed, Matt is passionate about working with children and leading them to faith in the Lord Jesus.

Hence The Green Tent.  Matt speaks of the ministry as "a beach mission in your local community". For a week in January, more than 300 children participate in games, craft, singing, dramas, talks and discussions at the current venues, Turramurra and Gordon.

The program attracts hundreds of children from non-Christian families. The teams share Christ with the children and in many cases with their parents too.

The team comprises some 100 people all of whom are drawn from local churches. In addition, support personnel are recruited to assist with catering, security, music and prayer support. It is an inter-denominational effort. Training begins seven months before the event(s). Very impressive.

Each child who attends is given a show bag filled with Christian literature and contact information for local church youth groups and services. Matt says "because The Green Tent leaders come from neighbourhood churches, children will immediately feel welcome as the relationship has been formed during the week."

He says, "parents are a lot more comfortable sending their children to a youth group where they [the parents] have already met the leaders".

Matt hopes to expand the program and is keen to hear from churches. His team has branched out into other events too. They run the massive "Carols in the South" in Turramurra.

Says Matt, "the community really is ready to hear the gospel…you just have to take it to them".