by Stuart P. Robinson

St Luke's, Mosman is a liturgy-friendly parish committed to evangelism and connecting "faith to life'.

St Luke's, Mosman is a vibrant and growing "traditional' Anglican Church rich in liturgical culture and history. The Rector, Lyndon Sulzberger, is committed to the work of mission and evangelism. His deep desire is for St Luke's to be a place where "faith and life connect' and Lyndon leads his expansive staff team with flair and very great aplomb. Late last year Lyndon contacted Evangelism Ministries and Church Army and invited them to partner the people of St Luke's in an "Open Week'.

SPR: In a nutshell, what does ministry look like at St Luke's?

LS: The short version is that we have a Sunday morning "Parish Eucharist' as well as a growing ministry to young families at 5pm on Sundays. Mid-week we have services for senior citizens. Whilst offering liturgical diversity, we are absolutely focused on proclaiming the gospel and living out the love of God in our community.

SPR: "Open Week' was a way of reaching into your community?

LS: It was. Our preparations began in Lent when one of the team from Evangelism Ministries conducted a series of studies on sharing our faith. This was a seed sowing exercise. 

SPR: How then did "Open Week' work?

LS: All our regular weekly activities were given a missional edge. We invited John Barnes and Tim Scheuer from Church Army to speak at our mid-week study groups and all the mid-week services. This was a first for St Luke's. In addition, we conducted some really creative assembly-style gospel presentations at Middle Harbour and Beauty Point primary schools.

SPR: I understand a "Steinway' piano played an important role in the week?

LS: Given our context, we thought that a soirée-concert would be a very good way of reaching our community. It was a wonderful evening. Over 100 people attended. Opera singer, Graeme Anderson (Steinway in the background!), in his rich baritone sang three beautiful pieces and then spoke to the group about using our gifts and talents in God's service.

The reading for the Sunday morning Eucharist was the "call' of St Matthew. One of the team members from Evangelism Ministries preached. On Sunday evening we had a wonderful "family' dinner at which a Church Army Evangelist spoke. It was a great day.

SPR: Upshots?

LS: Every event during Open Week was well executed and well attended. I am now in the process of arranging follow-up.

SPR: And what will that involve?

LS: Personal visitation, small groups, and ongoing pastoral care.

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