The Principal of Melbourne’s Ridley Theological College rejoiced with over 100 Moore College graduates and hundreds of guests during last night's Moore College graduation ceremony.

The Principal of Ridley College, the Rev Dr Peter Adam told the packed Sydney Town Hall he "rejoiced' at the record 123 graduates coming out of Moore College.

"Moore should change its name to "even Moore'," joked Dr Adam.

"I think it's wonderful, particularly given the age and quality of the people. They have many good years of ministry ahead of them," Dr Adam says.

Dr Adam says it was a privilege being invited to address students, family, friends and faculty on the 150th anniversary of the college.

"I felt like singing "Happy Birthday' actually. It was such a great occasion and I hope the college will flourish for years to come," he says.

Moore College's Principal, the Rev Dr John Woodhouse congratulated the 123 graduates on their achievements and commended them for the willingness to serve Christ.

"These [graduates] will now go into different parts of Sydney, Australia and the world with the light of the gospel of Christ," Dr Woodhouse says.

Celebrating 150 years of serving Christ

Dr Woodhouse took those present on a journey 150 years into the College's past, to a time when the acting Principal of the newly established college, William Macquarie Cowper met with the college's only three students.

"Mitchell and Kemmis would go on to become ministers in the Diocese of Sydney, while Brownrigg had a long term ministry in Tasmania and pioneered missionary work in the Bass Strait Islands" perhaps we can claim that Moore College began with over 30 per cent of its students going into overseas missionary service," he joked.

Dr Woodhouse thanked God for the 3,798 students who attended Moore College over the last 150 years and cast an exciting vision for the future.

He highlighted the opportunities offered by the Federal Government's student loans and the possibility of tax deductible donations for those who financially support the college.

"In the last few weeks it has been announced that that general donations to the College may soon be tax deductible, which we hope will be an encouragement to many to support us in the astonishing task ahead," he says.

Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen handed Diploma, Bachelor and Masters graduates their awards as the Academic Dean, Dr Mark Thompson announced the ministries each one was involved in.

Master of Theology graduate and Rector of Panania, the Rev Gary Nelson was also announced as new Director of External Studies at Moore College.