As soon as the team at finish an upgrade, they begin thinking of the next incarnation of the site and what they can offer its users. We realise that you may only have a few minutes to cast your eyes over the increasing number of excellent resources we assemble for our readers each week. So, packaged with this latest expansion are eight new net tools to help you get what you need, at speed. Widget

A widget is simply a small program designed to sit unobtrusively on your desk-top, delivering all sorts of handy information without much fuss. The widget delivers our top news stories and latest articles at a glance, along with the current temperature and weather conditions " just to let you know how the actual world is faring while you're surfing your virtual world. It's simple to install and easy to adjust so you receive just the right amount of information as the site updates throughout the day.

Click here to download

Social book-marking has arrived

The team recognises that its users are not only keen to read, they're keen to communicate. Every news story, article and MP3 suggests someone who might benefit from sharing this resource. Adding to the "email to a friend' link, entries now include buttons that allow you to automatically recommend articles to your favourite social book-marking services, including,, Newsvine and Reddit.

Click here to find out more News Bulletin

Email has replaced the envelope as the speediest way to communicate business communiqués and personal comments. For those of us who are constantly checking the contents of their inbox, has launched an email bulletin that each Monday will deliver the week's breaking news and the best new content in brief. Read the headlines, peruse the pictures, scan the intros " and decide whether you will click through, or save the update as a handy reference for cutting Christian thinking. The News Bulletin also includes links to the latest MP3s from Sydney's top preachers.

To sign up, you will find a sign-up form on the right side of the frontpage.
Any problems signing up? Send webmaster an email.

Easy to use MP3 library

The webmaster at has taken a hatchet to the code that used to define the site’s MP3 library and designed a new interface that makes searching for sermons a breeze.  You can now search our growing library of the best Sydney Anglican preaching by book of the Bible or distibutor - and soon the preacher’s name as well. We’ve also added one-click buttons to sign up to our Classic Sermons and Latest Preaching podcasting streams so you can have good content delivered free of charge to your MP3 player twice a week.

Click here to visit the new MP3 library

News feeds for your website

Content is what keeps internet sites interesting and keeps people coming back. Maybe you or the church you belong to has a website of its own that could do with an injection of fresh material every day. is happy to provide you with the code you need to add our original, inspiring and interactive content to your site. Download a ready made news panel that provides attractive links to the top stories as well as a search bar to dig into the rest of the challenging mission-minded, social and cultural content available at

Click here to download the code resources is an interactive online witness aimed at modern web users. It includes a Gospel message written by acclaimed Christian author John Dickson that visitors can delve into, as well as a personal question answering service manned by a team of online evangelists. And to round it off, includes a library of easy to understand answers to a wealth of questions people ask about God, Jesus and the Bible. is offering to send you a resource pack that includes instructions on how your Christian group or ministry can make the most of this dynamic resource, as well as online tools to add to your web site and samples of promotional material available for use " free of charge!

Click here to email your postal address and request a free resource pack

Google links to put your church on the map

The minds that bring you are also the managers of the Sydney Diocese' web portal, As well as links to all of the significant sites in the diocese, hosts the Find-a-church service. One simple search can put visitors in touch with Anglican congregations in their area. Now, thanks to the power of Google Maps, that search will also provide them with information on how to get there. Soon every entry will include a scaleable map of the congregation's location, including street names and features.

Click here to visit Find-a-church

The Sydney Anglican Network Bar

Every page of and many other key sites around the diocese has one thing in common " the Sydney Anglican Network bar. This design-neutral black bar provides links to essential diocesan services, as well as a drop-down menu connecting it to dozens of other key services and ministry partners. is now making this bar available to all Sydney Anglicans. With one simple installation, visitors to your site will be able to travel quickly from any of your web pages to any other site in the diocese. Best of all, the service is centrally updated so you never have to worry about upgrades or links going dead.

Click here to download instructions to install the SAN Bar in pdf format

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