A Sydney Anglican trapped in the life-threatening conditions of the New Orleans Superdome as Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana in August says the ordeal has strengthened her faith.

Emma Hardwick, 22, was enjoying a well-earned holiday after completing a Bachelor of Landscape Management and Conservation last year. 

Emma, a member of FIX Church at St Andrew's Cathedral, arrived in New Orleans on the Saturday before the storm hit.

After checking into a hostel she was warned of the coming hurricane and told the city was being evacuated.

Back in Australia Emma's mother, Sue, spent Sunday morning trying to book transport for Emma to leave New Orleans, but Emma and a group of backpackers were forced to stay in the Louisiana Superdome.

"I prayed a lot during this time for God to protect everyone in the Superdome and those stranded outside," Emma says.

Initially, Emma was one of 9000 in the Superdome.

Initially the National Guard made sure people did not enter with weapons.

However, on Monday, August 29, Hurricane Katrina passed over New Orleans with such force that it ripped two holes in the Superdome roof.

Over 16,000 people were rushed into the Superdome without being checked by security, including gang members possessing knives and guns.

"As the situation got worse " tiles ripped off the roof, power was lost, there was only bottled drinking water left " threats were being made against us tourists," Emma says.

Sue Hardwick says the white internationals were singled out, receiving a lot of racial abuse. 

"They were warned by guards to go to the toilet in groups because people had been raped and killed in there," she says.

By this stage toilets were overflowing and people were defecating and urinating on bathroom floors.

Emma says the bravery of Brisbane resident Bud Hopes helped save the group as he negotiated with the National Guard to have the internationals moved to a safe shelter outside.

"I just prayed to God for him to deal with it. I remembered the words "he is my rock and refuge'. I knew God would keep us safe even though we feared for our lives."

Emma was evacuated from New Orleans on the following Friday.
"I'm so thankful to God for looking after us. My faith is stronger from this experience."


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