This is a remarkable and very welcome project by a younger generation of local scholars.  It is a serious scholarly argument and a respectful encounter with Rowan Williams. They find much they can agree with and offer some serious criticisms with clarity, insight and directness.  Speaking the truth in love can be a shibboleth for something else, but the tone, manner and content of this book provide a model of critical and respectful argument. It is an example many on all sides of current public disagreements would do well to emulate.

The topics addressed include ecclesiology (Rhys Bezzant), Trinity and Incarnation (Andrew Moody), Heresy and Orthodoxy (Benjamin Myers), Judgment (Michael Jensen), Hegel and negotiation (Matheson Russell), Spirituality and creaturliness (Byron Smith), bodily wholeness (Andrew Cameron), war and peace (Tom Frame) and apologetics in the mode of aesthetics (Greg Clarke).

These are not the only subjects that might be addressed to Williams, nor do the essays pretend to set out all there is to say on their chosen theme. Several of the essays show Williams in a more radical light than the popular image might suggest such as his commitment to new forms of church, a reasonably activist political disposition when he was an academic.
The essays are different in style and complexity but reveal critically developed and well-furnished minds at work on the serious business of seeking to speak in this generation about the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

An excellent project, worthy of a reprise.

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