Having worked across Australia, in a variety of (Anglican) contexts, I have come to the conclusion that an evangelistic resource list - regularly updated - is well overdue.

Indeed, the most common questions are not so much about strategies, but starting points:
“We have a small group and would like to do some outreach, what do you recommend?”;
“Is there a programme that I can use for people who’ve never hear the Jesus stories?”;
“Can you suggest a course for helping Christians make friends with outsiders?”

And so it goes.

Here is my preliminary list. Some sites/products will be well known, others less so. Do please send me other URL’s if you have them (spr@em.anglican.asn.au).

Disclaimer: I am not necessarily endorsing any of the below mentioned - they are simply for your perusal and consideration.

1. Introduction to Christianity course/material

a. Journeys A video/DVD programme from New Zealand. Designed for people who have had little (or zero) exposure to Christianity.

b. Christianity Explored Beautifully produced/shot programme from UK. Anglican Minister, Reverend Rico Tice is the presenter. Gospel of Mark is the focus.

c. Introducing God Brilliantly written and edited. Informed by the Two Ways To Live format. Anglican, Reverend Dominic Steele is the presenter. An Australian effort. [url=http://www.introducinggod.org/]http://www.introducinggod.org/[/url]

d. Lifeworks An Australian Christian Basics programme featuring John North - recently revised and updated. [url=http://www.lifeworks-australia.com]http://www.lifeworks-australia.com[/url]

e. Christianity Explained Rev. Michael Bennett is an Anglican Minister living in Brisbane - this is a very simple and effective series of studies based on the gospel of Mark. Note:  [url=http://www.christianityexplained.com/]http://www.christianityexplained.com/[/url]

f. Emmaus A British (Anglican) course used extensively by anglo-catholic churches for outreach and discipling (Bishop Stephen Cottrell - author)http://www.e-mmaus.org.uk

g. Simply Christianity A wonderful resource written by Anglican minister, Rev. Dr. John Dickson. Based on gospel of Luke.  [url=http://johndickson.org/books]http://johndickson.org/books[/url]

h. Credo An introduction to Christianity. Course written/hosted by (Australian ex-pat) Bishop Lindsay Urwin (Diocese Chichester).http://www.scm-canterburypress.co.uk/bookdetails.asp?ISBN=0851913113

i. Facing Forever A 13 week US programme.  [url=http://www.facingforever.org]http://www.facingforever.org[/url]

j. Alpha Express Not much info on this one - an edited shortened DVD version released in August ‘05.http://www.wesleyowen.com/Merchandiser/catalog/Product.jhtml?PRODID=290830&CATID=275

k. Living Faith - Exploring Christianity in ten sessions. Presented by English Anglican bishop, Dr Tom Wright. [url=http://www.spckonline.com/spck/living_faith.asp]http://www.spckonline.com/spck/living_faith.asp[/url]

2. Soft entry community interest programmes

a. Grief/share is wonderful programme which assists people in coming to terms with grief and loss [url=http://www.griefshare.org]http://www.griefshare.org[/url]

b. The Divorce Care series of programmes are well worth running.  [url=http://www.divorcecare.org/startagroup/materials/]http://www.divorcecare.org/startagroup/materials/[/url]

c. The Marriage Course (from Holy Trinity Brompton)  [url=http://themarriagecourse.org/]http://themarriagecourse.org/[/url]

3. Training in outreach/evangelism.

a. Facing the Challenge  A brilliant DVD style programme from the UK helping people understand the culture with a view to sharing our own faith journey [url=http://www.facingthechallenge.org]http://www.facingthechallenge.org[/url]

b. Friends For Life From ‘Journeys’ team. How to make friends and engage with the culture.http://www.greatjourneys.co.nz/resources/resources.html


4. ‘Missional’ Sites

a. Emerging Church Network  [url=http://www.emergingchurch.info/links/index.htm]http://www.emergingchurch.info/links/index.htm[/url]

b Forge Network Australia [url=http://www.forge.org.au/]http://www.forge.org.au/[/url]

d. Planting Resources [url=http://bradboydston.com/html/church_planting.html]http://bradboydston.com/html/church_planting.html[/url]

e. C of E Fresh Expressions [url=http://www.freshexpressions.org.uk/index.asp?id=1]http://www.freshexpressions.org.uk/index.asp?id=1[/url]

f.  Anglican Church Planting Initiatives [url=http://www.acpi.org.uk/index2.htm]http://www.acpi.org.uk/index2.htm[/url]

g. Church Army UK  [url=http://www.encountersontheedge.org.uk/]http://www.encountersontheedge.org.uk/[/url]

h.  New Churches Resource  [url=http://www.newchurches.com/]http://www.newchurches.com/[/url]

Happy surfing,


Stuart Robinson is the National Mission Facilitator for the Anglican Church of Australia and former head of the Sydney Diocese’ Evangelism Ministries

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