When talk in church turns to evangelism, reactions in the congregation typically range from adrenalin charged excitement to sheer terror. In between these two extremes can lay myriad emotions including guilt, confusion, hope, scepticism and weariness. While many Christians share a desire for others to know Christ, some are unclear about the role they can play in spreading the good news of the Gospel.

From best selling author and evangelist, John Dickson, comes a practical guide to the biblical art of sharing your faith. In his latest offering from Blue Bottle Books, Promoting the Gospel " A practical guide to the biblical art of sharing your faith, John Dickson offers a refreshing insight into the ways that all Christians can and should be involved in the promotion of the gospel.

Rather than let the reluctant evangelist off the hook, Dickson shows why all of life is to be offered up to the glory of God and in service of neighbours. Promoting the Gospel is given a high priority in the life of the believer, while allowing for the different shape this will take in individual lives.

This important book is poised to make a huge impact. Written in an engaging, warm and personable style, Dickson reveals depth of scriptural insight, along with genuine engagement with real people. A sound resource for churches to empower their congregations and an inspirational guide for individuals, Promoting the Gospel " A practical guide to the biblical art of sharing your faith will be a classic.

As part of a package to Promoting the Gospel " A practical guide to the biblical art of sharing your faith, a small-group discussion guide is also available. Using real life scenarios and interviews with Christians, the discussion guide navigates the material covered in the book. Ideal for small groups, the discussion guide will challenge individuals to apply lessons learnt to their everyday lives in a practical and helpful way.

“John Dickson rightly makes sense of the interplay between prayer, good works, the way we spend our money, the way we talk about our faith and the role of gifted evangelists. A biblical, practical, warm and encouraging book that does exactly what it sets out to do: equip us as the Christian community to promote the Gospel.”
Michael Frost,
Director, Centre for Evangelism & Global Mission,
Morling College, Sydney

“This is as lively and sensible a book on evangelism as I've seen, especially valuable for bringing out the wide range of activities that all need to be carried on in effective Christian witness in contemporary society. It encourages congregations to recognise the varied gifts of their members and to enable each one to be involved in evangelism.”
I. Howard Marshall
Emeritus Professor of New Testament
University of Aberdeen

For more information or to order your copy, visit the Youthworks website and select Blue bottle Books or phone (02) 8268 3344.

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