Trinity boys have turned a list of household chores into money-spinners to help rebuild homes devastated by the Boxing Day tsunami.

Making beds, washing up, walking the dog, cleaning windows and vacuuming the house were all ways in which boys in the Junior school raised money for tsunami victims.

A cheque for over $2,200 has been presented to Dearne Cameron, Director of the Archbishop of Sydney's Overseas Relief and Aid Fund for their tsunami appeal.

Some 146 boys from year three to six took part in the three-week fundraising event.

The Director of the Junior School, Mr Martin Lubrano says the event was designed to increase the boys' awareness of their need for social responsibility.

"It is easy for them to ask Mum and Dad for the money, but we wanted to ensure that the boys themselves had to make some sort of sacrifice. Something that required time and effort on their part," Mr Lubrano says.

He says the school is very impressed at how hard some of the boys worked.

“They were required to keep a logbook of the jobs done and the amount paid and some did an amazing number of jobs.  One mother said she had never seen her dishwasher so clean!"

Mr Lubrano says the boys were spurred on by healthy competition between the seven classes, and the fact that the money as going to help people who had lost absolutely everything.

ORAF has now raised close to $800,000 through its tsunami appeal.

Over half has already been sent to be used in the immediate relief and rehabilitation stage.

The remainder will be dispersed over the next 18 months as the long-term needs are clarified.

Donations can still be made by phoning 1800 653 903.