A Sydney Anglican school looks to have cemented its place as a breeding-ground for future missionaries to Asia.

Seven Macarthur Anglican School students embarked on the school's second outreach to Thailand earlier this year in a joint mission with Canadian sister school, Pacific Academy.

The relationship between these two western schools has had a profound impact by enabling a Christian school in Thailand to be a stronger witness in a Buddhist society.

Macarthur School Captain, Andrew Pitt, was among the students who went on the outreach.

"It’s a great feeling to be able to make a difference in the lives of the children and to meet some inspirational people," he says.

"We worked well with the Canadian students, exchanging ideas and building friendships within the team."

Andrew also says Outreach 2005 helped him grow spiritually, "through our experience of teaching and by observing the teaching of others more experienced than ourselves'.

The outreach team consisted of seven Macarthur students, all at varying stages in their faith, but all with a background in Christian ministry.

Students underwent extensive training in teaching, team building, communicating expectations and logistics and most importantly preparing the spiritual ground for their important work of evangelism.
School principal, Mr Riley Warren, decribes this year's outreach as a great success.

"It’s been another highly successful mission, in terms of ministry opportunities and in strengthening Macarthur's relationship with Pacific Academy, our sister school from Vancouver," he says.

"Outreach 2005 allowed Macarthur Anglican School to consolidate the work of the previous year and to grow in expertise in organising and conducting an effective overseas mission."

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