Standing Committee has established a dialogue group to meet Dr Keith Mascord, discuss fully his concerns, and take any appropriate action. 

Following is a report from the Archbishop's Media Officer Margaret Rodgers after the December meeting of the Diocesan Standing Committee regarding the letter sent to Standing Committee members by the Rev Dr Keith Mascord.

The Sydney Diocesan Standing Committee held its final meeting for 2006 in the Chapter House of St Andrew's Cathedral yesterday evening.

As part of a crowded agenda, letters from the Rev Dr Keith Mascord and Bishop Robert Forsyth were formally received and it was noted that Archbishop Peter Jensen had invited Dr Mascord to meet with him.

A lengthy and thoughtful debate followed the reception of the letters. While noting that there were certain inaccuracies in Dr Mascord's material which meant that some matters would appear quite different from other points of view, members of Standing Committee agreed the letter required a careful and caring response.

It was also agreed that Dr Mascord's address to Standing Committee was positive and helpful in that it called on members to reflect carefully on themselves as individuals and on the Committee as a whole, while demonstrating the principles of transparency and openness that are part of public discussion in the Diocese.

Standing Committee also resolved to request a small group of members, Dr Greg Clarke, Bishop Glenn Davies, Mrs Claire Smith and Dr John Woodhouse to meet together with Dr Mascord to discuss fully his concerns, taking whatever action they see as necessary, and to report on the progress of their discussions to the Standing Committee.