St Andrew's Cathedral has launched a new topical discussion show and is the place to catch it.

The Chat Room features Dean of Sydney Phillip Jensen and broadcaster and author Kel Richards tackling current issues in contemporary culture such as multiculturalism, pornography, gambling and abortion and has been made available for download at starting yesterday.

The series is produced and directed by Audio Advice Managing Director Ken Sandell in St Andrew's Cathedral's new studio and 17 half-hour episodes have been completed so far.

"Together, Phillip and Kel tackle current topics and social issues to give an intelligent, helpful and always interesting biblical perspective," Mr Sandell says.

The Chat Room currently airs on the Australian Christian Channel and manager Mark Hadley is keen to bring these shows to the computer screens of Christians all over the world via SydAng TV, which offers free downloadable Christian video.

The first Chat Room episode available from SydAng TV is "Easter'.

"The Chat Room is a perfect series for any Christian with a connection to the net," Mr Hadley says.

"Every two weeks Sydang TV will give you easy access to a short pastorally focussed "primer' on an important issue presented by one of the diocese's keenest minds. It's 20 minutes training time well spent."

Mr Hadley says people will soon be using their lounge room televisions to view internet-based programs they've never before had access to, making SydAng TV the "Christian video resource centre of tomorrow " today!".

"Anglican Media aims to ensure that anyone who has access to an internet connection can watch well-produced Christian programs on issues that we have to deal with every day," he says.

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