is sad to announce the death of Michael Orpwood QC, Chancellor of the Diocese of Sydney. Mr Orpwood died yesterday after suffering from cancer during recent months.

A former Parliamentary draftsman, Michael Orpwood was a significant lay leader, including being Chairman of Evangelism Ministries, the evangelism arm of the Diocese of Sydney.

As Chancellor he was a member of the Standing Committee of the Diocese, and the Chapter of St Andrew's Cathedral, and played a leading part on many diocesan committees.

He also made a major contribution to the life and ministry of Christ Church, Gladesville, his parish Church.

Mr Orpwood was the author of the widely acclaimed biography of John Chapman, the well-known evangelist, and former Director of the Department of Evangelism in the Diocese.

There will be a Thanksgiving Service for the life of Michael Orpwood at 3.30pm on Monday 19th December at Christ Church, Gladesville.

We offer our sympathy and the assurance of our prayers in this time of loss and grieving to Margaret Orpwood and her family.

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