Tsunami relief work, immigration victories, racial violence and terrorist bombings - 2005 has been an eventful year for Sydneyanglicans.net and its readers. To finish it off, the editorial staff decided to treat you to what we consider to be your top ten stories.

In no particular order -

1: Free at last, free at last!: Amir Mesrinejad, converted while imprisoned and a staunch evangelist, walks free from immigration detention.

2: Lebanese, Christian and Australian too: Amidst the racial profiling and hatred exposed by the Cronulla riots, two believers show the difference Christ can make.

3: Terrified tourists embrace Christian compassion: Journalist Evan Batten is thrown into the biggest story of his career and his greatest opportunity to witness.

4: An open church door saved this man’s life: Manly demonstrates just how effective a welcoming attitude can be when it comes to transforming people’s lives.

5: Tsunami Victims’ ship comes in: Of all the tsunami stories that have filled our ears, we thought the evidence of Christian caring was the best story to leave you with.

6: Work / home imbalance drives change: Sydney Anglicans coming to terms with the fact that work, including ministry, can be a blessing as well as a curse.

7: We’re not crazy, we’re Christians: Nat and Julian - two normal guys who decide to spend the next year of their lives encouraging believers in some of the hardest areas in the world.

8: Sydney minister shortage: The Sydney Diocese struggles with the implications of the Mission it has set itself.

9: No idea of the hell that awaits: Emma Hardwick discovers the tenacity of her belief in the face of one of the worst tragedies the year has to offer.

10: James’ friends find the answer: The friends and family of James Coulter, an ordinary but committed Sydney Anglican killed on the African mission field, take strength from the faith he served.

Now you’ve read our opinion - stayed tuned for your say. Coming soon - 2005’s top stories as rated by our readers…

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