Over 300 youth gathered at St Anne's, Ryde last Friday for "The Body' - an event reminding the young Christians of the unity they share in Christ.

The meeting gave also Christian youth from 16 local youth groups and four local high schools the opportunity to invite their non-Christian friends to a fun, evangelistic event.

The Rector St Anne's, the Rev Greg Burke says the event gave local Christian youth a bigger picture of what God is doing in youth groups and schools around the area and helped them see themselves as part of the body of Christ in a larger context.

"This gives kids a bigger vision of what God is doing in the area. It helps kids and youth group leaders in smaller churches catch the vision," he says.

The event was held as part of St Anne's open week church mission and incorporated a team of 21 students from Adelaide University who were visiting as part of an AFES mission.

St Anne's, Ryde Assistant Minister, the Rev Matthew Heazlewood says the event was a "fantastic part of the mission'.

"It gave our youth groups a terrific opportunity to invite their friends and schoolmates along to hear the gospel and experience a meeting with heaps of Christians the same age."

"They are already talking about "the body' events for next year," he says.

The night featured an evangelistic talk from Ryde Secondary College scripture teacher, Ross Ciano, multimedia presentations, stunts, a band and a drama.

Christ Church, Gladesville's Youth Pastor, Gavin Mork who attended the event with his youth group says it was great for them to see "it is not abnormal to be a Christian'.

“The body event was a great way for the youth from Christ Church to see that they are part of the body of Christ with other youth groups."

"We had six youth say that they want to start following Jesus. We are very excited about this," he says.

Teenagers who attended the night agreed it was a fun and encouraging evening.

“It really encouraged me to know there are others who also love Jesus,” says Janet from Christ Church, Gladesville.

“It was awesome just learning about love,” agrees fellow Christ Church member, Jen.

Mr Burke says two more "body' events are being planned for next year.

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