Wendy Estall is helping form one of the last lines of defence between the "baby boomers' and their Godless march to the grave.

Anglican Retirement Villages (ARV) and St Paul's Castle Hill have combined their resources to create a trainer specialising in breaking through the apathy of a generation.

Officially Mrs Estall is the new Care Director at St Paul's and the Co-ordinator of Pastoral Care Training for ARV.

"I aim to recruit and train volunteers from St Paul's to work with the ARV chaplaincy as chaplaincy visitors. They will be working with the existing team of pastoral care volunteers to support the chaplains of ARV," she says.

As the baby boomers enter retirement, this may be the last opportunity for many to hear and respond to the gospel.

The Rector of St Paul's, Castle Hill, the Rev John Gray is all too aware of the urgency.

"This will be our third and last try at the baby boomers. We lost them as teenagers, we lost them when they came back with their children and now as they are going into retirement and as their mortality confronts them we need to reach them."

Mrs Estall works one and a half days at St Paul's and three and a half days at ARV Castle Hill seeking to build bridges between ARV sites and local parishes.

A key tactic will be developing a training package for use in ARVs across Sydney for church volunteers who are pastoral care workers with ARV.

Manager Business Improvement and Strategy for ARV, Ross Pendlebury says Mrs Estall will be a valuable addition to the Chaplaincy team at ARV Castle Hill.

"Wendy will be working with the chaplains to develop a package of training for volunteers in pastoral care, particularly those volunteers away from our villages at Castle Hill."

"She will also be providing advice to ensure there is a Christian foundation in our training for staff."

Mr Gray is confident in Mrs Estall's ability to build on the existing connections between residents of ARV Castle Hill and members of St Paul's.

"Wendy has a huge heart for Jesus and those who don't yet know him. At every opportunity she wants to introduce people to Jesus and care for them."

The relationship between St Paul's and ARV is just one of five partnerships with parishes.

Mr Pendlebury says the model is an effective one for reaching retiring communities and plans are underway to develop three other church-based ministries.

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