This DVD contains a series of three lectures critically examining the ‘new atheism’ as represented by the likes of Richard Dawkin's The God Delusion, Christopher Hitchen's God is not Great and Michel Onfray's Atheist Manifesto.

The lectures were delivered in Sydney in 2008 by Dr John Dickson and Dr Greg Clarke (both of the of the Centre for Public Christianity) together with last year's Smith Lecturer the Oxford scientist John C. Lennox. Dr Clarke introduces the ‘new atheism’ " its key ideas and players and the need for Christians to come to terms with both. He places its rise in the post 9/11 context which argues that religion is a dangerous thing. Dr Dickson, as an historian, examines some of the many historical errors and misrepresentations made by Dawkins, Hitchens and Onfray. 

After hearing of some of the fundamental mistakes you can only think that Dawkins, Hitchens and Onfray used the same researcher that Dan Brown did for The Da Vinci Code.  More disconcerting is the way that each misrepresents history to serve their polemic ends.  As Dr Dickson points out if they get so many things wrong in the area he is qualified to critique how many errors and misrepresentations are there in the areas that he does not have expertise to examine? Typical of this is Dawkins quoting with approval the historical analysis of "Dr GA. Wells of the University of London". It sounds authoritative until Dr Dickson points out that that Dr G.A. Wells is not a professor of ancient history, or early Christian or Jewish studies but is rather a lecturer in German Languages. 

The third and longest lecture is Dr Lennox's Has Science buried God? (equal to the proceeding lectures combined). There is something about an Irish accent which makes for easy listening. Dr Lennox, who has gone toe to toe with both Dawkins and Hitchens in public debate, looks more broadly at the interaction between science and religion.  He takes to task many of the arguments of the ‘new atheism’ that suggest science has displaced religion, making it redundant.  For Dr Lennox the difference between he and Richard Dawkins is not science but worldview. The key question is the clash of worldviews " atheism and theism.  As he notes many scientists are religious.  He rejects Dawkins analysis that his atheism is deduced from his science as he sees science sitting far more comfortably with a theistic worldview than an atheistic one. Dr Lennox's book God's Undertaker Has Science Buried God? provides a more detailed examination of the relationship between science and religion. 

The New Atheism is not a documentary in the sense of Dickson's The Christ Files. Rather it is three lectures and as such does not make for spectacular viewing. In fact the preview copy that I received did not even include the outlines that were projected during the lecture, except incidentally. This might be rectified with the commercial release.

I must admit I have purchased lectures like these before and generally I find I watch them once and then there is one other person who might borrow them and then they sit on the shelf gathering dust.  If these lectures were available in audio format you would lose nothing listening to them instead of watching as there are no graphics or other visual aids relied upon in the lectures. In order to make a series like this more accessible for small group use the provision of a study guide which works with shorter snippets from the lecture series would be a worthwhile addition.

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