Is it a sit-com? A satire on modern Australian society? Or a light animated adventure ride? Audiences will have to decide for themselves but one thing is for sure: The Treasure House is about God.

Series one presents three short stories covering humanity's rebellion against God, forgiveness and seeking the greatest treasure. The messages are clear and come with worksheets to assist teachers to develop the content in a class environment. But somehow the result still feels a little incomplete.

The background artwork for all episodes really captures the Australian environment from city to country. The Australian flavour is also obvious in the humour (I liked the word "unchangingality") and the language ("this "arvo" stood out for me). The delivery is even a little "Colin Buchanan' at times.

The character designs are also good and the camera directing spot-on. However the animation style is driven by the dialogue which can be a little slow at times. The overall impression is something produced by designers and illustrators but not animators.

While this DVD will function well as a teaching tool in Scripture classes, there are elements that seem a little unpolished. Teaching material is included on the disc but it would be easier to access if there was a link from the DVD menu.

Also this first volume seems to be lacking some of the over-the-top elements that make animation such a surprising and enjoyable medium.

Crucially, the episodes also lack an introduction to the characters and their environment. From the back of the DVD cover I learn that the series is set in a new and second-hand book and toyshop in the Blue Mountains. I would love to see a pilot episode introducing us to who owns the shop, what his motivations are for running the sort of store he does and why it's opened in the Blue
Mountains. The absence makes you feel like you've joined the series "late' and teachers may have to spend time building context for their audiences.

There is some great humour contained in these episodes and all three stories lead clearly to their intended Bible messages. I hope The Treasure House proves useful to those sharing the Good News with children and that the mysteries contained are unveiled in time.

Simon Twist is an award-winning animator, the principle animator at Twist Animations and a member Miranda Anglican Church.

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