As Al Stewart and Peter Kell slipped on their singlets on Australia Day, a gruelling journey lay ahead of them

The task ahead of them was Illawarra’s Australia Day Aquathon, an annual swim-and-run event that attracts thousands to Wollongong Harbour.

Mr Kell, Anglicare CEO and member of St Michael’s Cathedral, and Andrew Stratford, Anglicare’s new community care manager for the Illawarra and member of Figtree Anglican Church, had rallied a team of 30 staff, family members and supporters to take part in the event.

The Illawarra Aquathon features a mini event for children as well as short and long courses that cater for different levels of fitness and experience.

This year team participants could choose to make a donation or raise sponsorship in support of Anglicare's Illawarra programs.

According to Anglicare's donations manager Gabriel Lacoba, who entered the event with his wife Sue, close to $4,500 was raised.

New manager jumps in

For Andrew Stratford, who joins Anglicare this week, diving straight into a community activity has been the perfect opportunity to raise awareness about Anglicare's mission and services.

Born in Wollongong where he lives with his wife Janice and children, Luke, Holly and Emily, Mr Stratford concludes a 28-year career with Wollongong City Council to join Anglicare.

"My background at Wollongong City Council was about delivering services to the community and I am looking forward to the opportunity to continue in a Christian setting," he says.

His appointment comes as Anglicare is seeking to actively build its services in the region, particularly through consultation and new partnerships with local parishes.

Mr Stratford says he has seen the complementary aspects of Anglicare and parishes working in tandem from the perspective of his own church, which runs a meal and fellowship ministry called Manna House for isolated and disadvantaged people in the community.

"In talking with Peter Kell, I see Anglicare as keen for churches to connect directly with the community through caring ministries, while Anglicare focuses on the more difficult or professionally-based areas," he says.

He adds, "Wollongong is a community that does knuckle down and respond to need. I'll be looking forward to building on that with Anglicare."

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