Heather Bray didn't expect her Year 13 course to teach her how to kiss.

But last week, as part of the nine-month "gap year' program, she learnt how to give the kiss of life during the St John Ambulance Senior First Aid course.

Heather, a member of Jannali Anglican Church, knows the value of first aid.

"It can save a life, which is good! It makes you feel like you can give something to someone in need," she says.

Year 13 students took part in the two-day training session in preparation for their involvement this week in the Horizon program at Youthworks conference centres around Sydney.

Like the other 16 students, Heather will serve alongside experienced Youthworks camping staff as they minister to the school students attending the course.

Heather is looking forward to this taste of camping ministry, this time as a leader not a camper.

"When I was in year 5 I went on a Horizon camp,” she remembers.

“Everyone just loved the sessions, especially the singing. Everyone there was so friendly and welcoming. I hope it will be the same for me as I lead this week, that I will be a fun person and welcoming to the kids."

One of Horizon’s central planks is the daily gospel input in the "Christian Discovery' program.

Heather and her fellow students say they are anticipating ‘getting their hands dirty’.

"I'm looking forward to actually doing the activities and being involved in Christian Discovery."

The Year 13 program provides a "gap year' alternative for young Christian school-leavers who want to take a year "on' to serve God and think about the big issues of life.

"The week-long work experience at the campsites is an important aspect to Year 13", explains Jodie McNeill, Year 13 Director.

"It gives the students an opportunity to see a type of gospel ministry for people who find it more comfortable standing on an abseiling cliff than standing in a pulpit."

Heather knows this week of camping ministry will be far more like work than a holiday.

"I reckon it will be challenging, but at the end of the day, very rewarding," she says.

For information about Year 13, visit the Year 13 web site or phone (02) 8268 3367.

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