A new Anglican diocese has been created in New Zealand, to be led by the Rev Jay Behan, who is now Bishop Elect of the diocese.
A new Anglican diocese has been created in New Zealand, to be led by the Rev Jay Behan, who is now Bishop Elect of the diocese.
You might have had the experience, especially with a mobile phone in hand, of someone suddenly grabbing you to hold you back from crossing a busy city street.
How to parent in the age of technology
Archbishop Glenn Davies and the chair of the Religious Freedom Reference Committee, Bishop Michael Stead, have been pushing for assurances on religious freedom as the election campaign enters its final stages.
To our mothers, grandmothers, spiritual and adopted mothers
A centenary of Bush Church Aid kicks off the bicentenary for the Cathedral.
North Ryde Anglican's first Mandarin service launched at the start of this year
There are some critical issues facing us as a country
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