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Media release

Statement on Abortion Law Reform proposals

Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney

Social Issues Committee

Statement on current Abortion Law Reform proposals in NSW

The Social Issues Committee of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, along with the Archbishop of Sydney, the Most Reverend Kanishka Raffel, expresses serious concerns about the Abortion Law Reform Amendment (Health Care Access) Bill 2025, introduced by Greens MLC Dr Amanda Cohn. We have written to the Premier of NSW, the Opposition Leader, and the Leader of the Nationals urging them to oppose the Bill.

This Bill does not address abortion's legality, already covered in existing laws, but seeks to expand abortion services at the cost of diminishing freedom of conscience and religion for NSW citizens.

If passed, Dr Cohn’s Bill would allow the Minister of Health to mandate public health organisations to provide abortion services. It would also require health practitioners who object to abortion on moral grounds to transfer patients to others who will perform the procedure.

These amendments infringe on faith-based freedoms. Faith-based health organisations and individuals must be free to operate according to their religious beliefs. The Bill would force them to either participate directly in abortion services or refer patients to others, presenting a moral dilemma for many. If enacted, this could force Christian health professionals and organisations to break the law, violate their convictions, or leave their roles.

The expansion of those eligible to perform medical abortions up to 22 weeks to include nurses and midwives would increase the number of professionals facing this ethical conflict.

The Bill also risks creating employment disadvantages for medical practitioners. Wherever abortion services are mandated, job interviews are increasingly likely to scrutinise candidates' views on abortion. Medical professionals, many of whom oppose abortion on moral grounds, should not face discrimination for their beliefs.

Dr Cohn’s proposed amendments would also deregulate the abortion industry by removing the requirement for practitioners to notify the government after performing abortions, just as it allows the government to compel all public health organisations to provide abortion services and expands the eligibility of those permitted to perform abortions.

Advocates for the deregulation and expansion of abortion services claim to prioritise women’s welfare. However, many other groups, including women, have significant interests that must also be considered. The current law permits access to abortion, balanced with medical safety, the protection of the unborn, and freedom of conscience for healthcare professionals. It does not need to be changed.

For these reasons, we urge the major parties in the NSW Parliament to oppose the Abortion Law Reform Amendment (Health Care Access) Bill 2025.

The Very Reverend Sandy Grant
Dean of Sydney
Chair of Social Issues Committee, Anglican Diocese of Sydney

20 March 2025 (PDF)




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