The Anglican Church of Australia - Appellate Tribunal
The Primate has referred to the Appellate Tribunal the question: Is there anything in the Constitution which would now prevent -
1. the consecration of a woman in priests' orders as a bishop inthis church in a diocese which by ordinance has adopted the Law of the Church of England Clarification Canon 1992; or
2. the installation of a woman so consecrated as a bishop ofsuch a diocese?
A copy of the reference can be obtained from the undersigned.
In accordance with the Appellate Tribunal rules, the Tribunal requests that any Synod, person, class of persons, or associationclaiming to be interested in the question before the Tribunal shouldnotify the undersigned of that interest no later than 1 July 2005. Notifications of interest should include the name and postal addressof any solicitor or agent who is proposing to represent the person orbody and in any case must specify an address and telephonenumber at which the person or body may be contacted.
The Tribunal will hold a preliminary conference in the Auditorium ofSt Andrew's House, Sydney Square, Sydney, at 4.30pm on Friday 8 July 2005. At that time the Tribunal will seek to determine anyapplications for people to become parties, give directions as to thefiling and serving ofwritten material supporting cases to be madebefore the Tribunal and consider what type of hearing is required atthe reference and generally give directions as to the efficientdisposal of the reference.
DATED this 20 May 2005.
The Reverend Canon B J McAteerRegistrar to the Appellate TribunalPO Box Q190, QVB Post Office, Sydney, NSW 1230 Email: 02 9264 6552 The Anglican Church of Australia