As the senior minister of St Thomas' in North Sydney, Simon Manchester recalls one of the first funerals he ever took as a young minister.

"The casket was carried in by only one young man.  It had inside it a baby girl who had died.

“A few minutes into the short service, the mother ran forward, threw herself on the coffin and screamed at the top of her voice. 

“Who can measure how wrung-out and exhausted she was by those days of grief?"

Simon Manchester has worked at St Thomas' for over seventeen years. 

During that time he has conducted many funeral services and come into contact with numerous people wanting answers for loss and grief. 

Such experiences prompted him to write the evangelistic booklet At a time like this published by Matthias Media. 

"At funerals I've noticed that there is a common idea that no-one can know about life and death,” he says.

“But the truth is, there is someone who knows about life and death " someone who has gone through the grave and come back to tell us what it's all about.  That person is Jesus Christ."

The easy-to-read 18 page booklet is suitable to give to anyone mourning the loss of a loved one and searching for meaning.

It's designed to be handed out at funeral services or given to people in the weeks leading up to or after the service.

At less than $2 each for bulk orders, it's an effective resource that Ministers and people in funeral ministry can also use to point people to Christ.

The booklet also contains a section of honest answers to some significant questions about life and death.

Adds Simon,  " For most people. The loss of a loved one is a very dark time indeed.  But the Bible describes itself as a light for our path, both now and forever.  I hope this booklet provides people with some basic facts at a hard time."

At a time like this is available through Matthias Media. For more information visit [url=][/url] or contact: Glendon Mar.  tel: (02) 9663 1478 or