Andrew Lim has taken on the daunting task of organising a men’s conference for Sydneysiders left aimless by the women’s EQUIP conference at Darling Harbour on May 27. This is his blow-by-blow, week-by-week account of the bridges he crosses as he brings the TRAIN men’s conference from fantasy-land to reality.

Blog 2

I trawl through my contact database and craft some targetted email copy to accompany the TRAIN flyers in PDF format. I learn that PDF’s or small JPEG’s are preferable to send, because (broadband notwithstanding), large attachments tick people off.

The turnaround from my Korean printer friend is incredibly good. Brochures ordered on Tuesday night. Back to me by Monday afternoon (from Korea!).

Now, here’e the even more incredible part: I ordered 5,000.
My friend thought I meant 6,000.
The printer accidentally printed 12,000! At no extra charge to me!
“God’s provision”, said my friend.
“Amen!”, I said.

Now comes delegation and sheer legwork of getting these out to as many people as possible. Gotta run…

Click here to read Andrew’s previous post

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